Sunday, July 26, 2009

Some news so far in 2009...

Some of the news so far in 2009:
New boarders: Welcome to Sandra and the "Lady Tweedsmuir" (Tweed) - such a lovely pair - ("Sir William" (Bill) is so happy to have a fellow bit of class in his barn) - it's great to have you guys! And also welcome to Nemo and Silke who are also a great addition to the barn, together with Tianna and Mattia - our two "little people" in the barn! And Kathy has just recently purchased "Buckwheat" (Buckie) who has yet to put a foot wrong (Rosie adds: except in his stall where he has to be the muckiest horse in the barn!) - such a sensible fellow!
Some show results from earlier in the year:
April Spiritwood Dressage Schooling Show: Nemo and Silke won both their Walk/Trot classes with 63% and 68% which earned them the W/T "high score" Championship; Echo and Sam were 2nd and 3rd in their classes with 52% and 59%; and Lakie and Shannon won both their classes with 62% for each, which earned them the W/T "high score" Reserve Championship.
May Spiritwood Dressage Schooling Show: Nemo and Silke won both their W/T classes with 65% and 66% which earned them the W/T "high score" Reserve Championship, and were 2nd in their Training Level Test with 64%; Echo and Sam won both their W/T classes with 64% and 67%; Lakie and Shannon were 2nd in the W/T/C Equitation Class, and won both their Training Level Tests with 69% and 68%, which earned them "high score" Championship; and, finally, Polly, in her first show ever, won both her W/T classes with 70% and 67% which earned them the W/T "high score" Championship.
Lakie and Shannon went to the NNEP (the Park) Horse Trials in early June for Lakie's first event and came 2nd in the Entry level with a good dressage test, one pole down in stadium, and clear cross-country.
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you!!
Both Joan Johnston and Joanna Crilly have been coaching at HH this year, and Emma and Holly have been helping us all as well as each other - thanks, guys, for all you do to try and make us better riders!
Some of the other activities this summer include a Horseweek Poker Ride and BBQ, ably organized by Kathy and crew, many great trips to Ferguson Forest Station, attending an Endurance seminar, attending the OVLAC seminars, and, of course, lots of GREAT summer hacks and schooling sessions! Although the weather has been terrible for haying, it's been wonderful for cool bug-free rides!

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